• Building the AV Sling TSi demonstrator

    Follow our progress on Instagram

  • Build. Fly. Maintain.

  • Aviation (Ad)Ventures

    Aero Ventures was founded by two passionate pilots, looking for more Aviation related (ad)ventures.


We provide aviation related services, with a strong focus on experimental (Sling) aircraft.

Build Assist Program

Need help building your Sling (TSi)?
Don't struggle, we are there to help!

Build Facility

Builders can opt to build their Sling in our fully equiped workshop. We are in the process of building our own Sling TSi demonstrator whilst further prepping our workshop.


Need help selecting, installing or setting up your avionics stack? Contact us!

Sling Kits

Sling kits are broken down into manageable sections to suit your available space and financial needs.

Rotax 915 iS

Based on the proven concept of the Rotax 912 / 914 engine series, the Rotax 915 iS engine offers increased power and the best power-to-weight ratio in its class.

Airmaster Propellors

Succesfully pair your Rotax engine with an Airmaster propellor. The new Sling TSi Rotax 915 has been matched with the Airmaster AP430 propeller featuring blades WWR72B by Whirlwind, for excellent all-round performance.


We are proud to share some of our projects here.

Fun Facts

We just got started, but our numbers are rizing steadily!

1 Parts in stock
1 Happy Clients
1 Projects Done
1 Hours Spent


Sling, Rotax and Airmaster

There's more to come!

Stay up to date and follow our social media channels.

If you have inqueries please email us at info@aeroventures.eu